Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good Omens by: Terry Pratchett

I read Good Omens on a cruise ship which means my brain was at least partially turned off. This was my first Terry Pratchett—I had heard good things about him—that he is cynical and clever and irreverent (all things I like). Good Omens was all of those things—not to the extent of someone like Christopher Moore, but cynical enough to be worthwhile.

The story is about the apocalypse. Two friends (one angel and one demon) who have been on earth together since the beginning are left to their own devices as they try to prevent the world from coming to its end. Aziraphale (the angel) owns a rare bookshop—not to sell books, but just to have a place to keep them. Crowley (the demon) drives an old Bentley. The witch—Anathema Device—has a book written by her prophetic grandmother 300 years prior which directs her own activities. The antichrist is planted by the demon—Crowley—as a baby. The story is creative and fun and was (as I had hoped) a good, easy cruise ship read.

If this book were a movie, I’d rate it: PG-13—a much harder PG-13 than Wuthering Heights. There was some language, but not a ton. There were some sexual references, but nothing explicit.
Overall Grade: B-
Would I recommend this book to my friends? Yes

1 comment:

  1. Totally going to get this book based on your synopsis. Thanks.
